Bill's very first blog!
Is this a picture of an Arkansas sunset or sunrise?
It all depends on which direction you were facing when the picture was taken! Why would I start this way? A lot of us, as leaders, face difficult times. We face times when we wonder if God remembers our name, or how we have been trying so hard to serve and lead others and follow Him and it is not working. If we have been in leadership or ministry for very long we can lose track of which way we are facing. Is the sun coming up and there are better days ahead?? Or is it too late and the best times were in the past?
Sometimes when I teach a discipleship class and then go into the service I am amazed at how God brings both messages together - at least for me! Yesterday in class, someone remarked that they could not climb a mountain. They talked about needing to get in shape first and I responded by asking if they knew what the most important part of getting in shape is? Do you know? (Put your shoes on!) Pastor Tim Britton talked about the Unfinished Story of our lives in the message…and he talked about the process of getting in shape both for the physical challenge of riding a bicycle long distances and being in shape to follow Christ through the twists and turns - ups and downs - of life. He referenced Ephesians 2:8-10 (NLT):
“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Here are a some of things he said that tie into our thoughts today: 1. We are saved by grace…period. We can’t earn it. 2. God did something amazing when He created you! You are the very craftsmanship of God!! 3. …and God has work for you to do. Good work.
So, may I ask you a question? But first, I KNOW it can be really hard. Would you put on your spiritual shoes and take a walk with me? Do you remember the times God has been faithful? The times when God has come through in amazing ways for you or someone else? It is so important to remember. Now - with God’s help - you are loved and created by God. He has more good days ahead of you, because He loves you. Have you taken any moments lately to just let the Lord love you? This may be a difficult time for the next question - I have certainly been there! What is the next step? Where or how is God leading you to make a difference for the Kingdom?
I pray that, with God’s help, you will see His sunrise on your life today and know that He has you on His heart and mind as you face a new day. You are loved.