Discover - don’t you love this word?

Discover – when was the last time you discovered something for the first time? Do you remember what it felt like? There is the joy and fun of exploring the new discovery! Then after a little while, it loses its newness and while you may still appreciate it, it’s no longer such a discovery. Are you with me?

In the HR world, we talk about some things that are ‘discoverable.’ We want to document everything because if something happens, we know that our records are discoverable in court.

So, discover…and discoverable – two great words! When was the last time you discovered something new in your faith journey? How about if I ask it this way…do you think that God has some new things for you to discover as you follow Him? Will it surprise you? Delight you? Check this, Psalm 119:162 says, ‘I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure.’ Can we still discover new truths in God’s word even after following Jesus for a while? I believe we can because Hebrews 4 says that God’s word is alive and active. As we progress in our faith journey we can discover more and more about what God is like and who He is…and it is always Good News!

Here's the thing, we want our lives to be ‘discoverable’ as we follow Jesus (if we are followers of Christ). We want our lives to truly represent Jesus’ life as we go from day to day…and that what people discover about us will help them to discover what God is like.

I want people to discover what God looks like as they interact with me or see me or hear about me – not for my sake, but because the Kingdom of God is real – living – active, and that changes my life every day.  


The sign of the rainbow…


Did you ever wonder?