Teresa’s Blog - What we are about…. 7/27/21
God gives us all something to share with others. For us it is a quiet place to think, pray, and ‘come away for awhile.”
He provided for us a very nice, large 5th Wheel Trailer last year as an answer to prayer. Now, He has provided us this very nice space out on a hillside in Mountain View, Arkansas! Have you ever dreamed of having a view? For me, and for Bill, that dream was palpable. As pastor and wife for 40 years, we have served willingly for God wherever He called, doing whatever He wanted us to do. From the Midwest to the West coast and Alaska, we have seen many wonderful things and God has always provided a place for us to come away from the tensions and pressures that came with pastoring. We do not regret anything. Now, God has lead us here and blessed us greatly. Now, we can give that opportunity to others here. That is what the Retreat ministry is all about. No pressures. Quiet, but we have so many possiblilties around us! Let God Lead.
The house church we are starting is in it’s infancy. Prayer and relationships with those around us. Who are our neighbors? What opportunities do we see? Who does God want us to pour our lives into right here…. right now. Yes, there is an urgency in my heart. It could make all the difference in the world to someone…….today!
I know, I’m even loud in print, but I want you to know that you are important to our mission. Please, pray that we will have open eyes and hearts to those around us AND that we can get the word out to those who need the retreat. Please, pass this website along to those that are in your circles of friends and anyone serving God in your areas of influence.
Thanks you guys,
Stay cool and God Bless, Teresa